Friday, February 27, 2009


Photography class today and as usual, he did not teach at all. Just talked about himself, told stories about fried rice and ketchup and boys and girls and reminded us how pathetic we are. Absolutely lovely. I think I fared better this week because no one threw my pictures into the 'bad' pile. Hee hee. But looking back at this pictures, I'm like, I spent one whole day taking these?? Eeeeesh.
This was the picture that quite a few people said they liked until he told them they had bad taste cuz this looks like what a "grandpa with a point-and-shoot" would take. Charming.
This was the picture that is "almost there but still doesn't quite get it".
This was "you have such a unique subject but you are not telling a unique story". Bluek. I liked this most hahaha.
And this he did not say anything.

Noticed how for every single picture he only gives cryptic and vague comments and nothing useful or helpful at all? He doesn't tell us what's good or what's bad or how to improve our pictures or how we should take them, the techniques we should use blah blah blah. Grrrhhh.

After class I was dying to go shopping and also meet someone. I have been practicing shopping abstinence for more than a month and it feels sooo good to finally buy something woohoo. Even the heavy rain couldn't hold me back from the sales hahaha. Feels like I'm betraying Kenji though =(

Things were going so well that I didn't even know what hit me when it all went wrong so much so fast. Still in a state of shock now. It is raining heavily as I type this and it seems so fitting. Why not let the skies do the crying for me? Am sick of shedding tears.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Selamat Pagi, Cikgu!

This semester, not only are we having kiddie classes; we are being treated (and scolded) like kids too. Today after our primary school writing class, Miss L took the attendance and then called out,

"Justina, Jeffrey, Seline, can I see you after this class?"

Immediately I knew why she wanted to see us. From my very first year at school until I finish Form 5, the teachers have been saying the exact same thing at every parent-teacher meeting.

"Anak awak ni, tak pernah henti bercakap..."

And my parents always ask them back whether or not I managed to concentrate in class, understand them or finish all my work even though I talk A LOT. And they'd have nothing else to say because I did. It's not like I talked back at teachers or scream profanities all day long. The same thing happened today.

"Do you know why I asked you to see me?"
We shake our heads and bat our eyelashes even though we do, because hello, we are innocent okay?
"I think you do. The whole time I was teaching, the whole class could hear 3 of you talking at the back. Please don't do this again. See you Monday"
Hellooooo got exaggerate or not ah?!? I thought I liked to sensationalize by 200% but the whole class could hear us? Gila kah?

If she asked me to repeat what she taught during the class I could have easily done it. Is it a crime if I could both pay attention to her and talk about LV bags at the same time? It's not like she needed my undivided attention. Like, the boys are playing at the playground or the boys is playing at the playground? Excuse me, not to be an arrogant twat but that's what I teach to the Year 2 kids when my dad asks me to help with his tuition classes kay.

Anyways, after class today we formed our own little photography club with matching shirts and headed to KL to take pictures of historical/cultural/monumental buildings for class.

In order to learn more about our cameras, we spent hours upon hours camwhoring.

Seline brought a tripod because Mr. T said we need one to take stable pictures. We used it to take group pictures.

The night before when we were planning our little photography trip, we dengan selambanya suggested that we go to as many places as possible. Probably around 4, 5 or more if we have time. HAH! What a joke. Before we even finished at the first spot we were already complaining about the heat/rain/exhaustion/difficulties of photography LOL. So we just tried to do it all as quick as possible and then head home. Well, they headed home. I went somewhere else. The rain killed the mood a bit in the beginning but as usual it was a happy night all in all.
Happy, goofy people.

Because we should always end with dessert,
and because I'm feeling sweet as chocolate mousse,
and because I want to give Alexis free publicity,
and because I imagine my photography skills to have improved by 1.7%,
and because I fancy myself a famous food photographer,
I present you this parting shot. Bwahahaha.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Celebrations! =)

Thanks to a new routine in my life, I've spent many, many weekends away from GK :D Finally, I spent the last weekend there and managed to grab some pics for the last few outings from HY. Pictures at last! Can I still call myself a camwhore now that I don't even have the simplest camera to take pikchahs? God knows how many beautiful moments - i.e. picnics - I've missed just because of that stupid Motorola dying.

Anyways, I'll just fill this post with all the pictures that almost everyone else has posted; pictures of all the gatherings and celebrations for the whole of February. OMG FUCK ME I just realized I don't even have the pictures from X'mas and New Year's and anything January yet!!! AHHH!

Wellllll, anyways.... The pics from the OHF CNY reunion dinner at the Gardens. I don't have a lot cuz most of the photos are scattered here and there on everyone else's cameras.

The next day we went to Melaka to surprise the bestest, most lovingest, big(gest) sister in the world for her 21st. Been planning it for a while with her boyfriend. It was the first time Cyntia's car made such a long trip and the first time we drove long distance. Wooot we are soooo grown up, people! We found our way there, found Jacq's house and even found the nearest Jusco to get her cake, all on our own! Lalalala~~~
Trying to kill off 2 hours while Jacq was at a dinner.

Her birthday slices. Because there weren't any proper cake shops in Melaka we had to get these from SR. We let ourselves in, turn off all lights, lit up the whole house and hid in her room. We can hear her all surprised even from inside. When she saw us...

Ta-dah! Crying to no end.

For the 2nd night in her 3-night birthday celebration weekend, we went to Pure and partied like sluts. Pikchahs still in her cam. Not that they were pretty; I was all red and wasted-ish.
Chicken rice balls! Oh how I miss you! I'm putting this picture here because I'm really hungry right now.

We didn't even stay there for 24 hours before we had to get back. Going back was much faster; we took only like half the time we took to get there. The extra time we had left was spent getting lost. We took the wrong exit and ended up in Sri Petaling. Which means we could do some last minute CNY visiting to Momma's house!
Momma's very own home-made choco muffins. Very in demand, according to her. Seems like everyone is into baking and making things in the kitchen nowadays. Jacq made the most delicious cheesecakes!

And this is the true purpose of our visit. No, not an autograph. To get Momma to draw us a map with directions back home. Thanks!

The 12th was OHF dai ga jie punya 21st. There wasn't a super happening celebration or anything. Just a quiet (for us) dinner at a very grown up restaurant where we chatted about our goals, our plans for families, our career advancement, culture, politics, wine, the economy... BWAHAHA.

I know it's Irene's birthday but the rest of the pics from other people are on Facebook please. These are just the pictures of us hiding in the toilet to gossip, bitch and camwhore.

And then on the 14th... Hmm, the 14th. What happened on the 14th? I couldn't really remember. My memory must have been impaired because I spent too long floating on clouds that day.
Preparations the night before. LOL.

Early in the evening.

And dinner at the Apartment. The last time I was there, it was rather sucky. That night, it was beautiful; the food, the ambience, the service, the performance and most importantly, the company :) Everything just seemed extra beautiful that night.

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Finally, after a whole exhausting week filled with lots of assignments, late nights, early mornings, no afternoon naps and bitches who deserves slaps, the weekend is here! I haven't been able to really, really rest for the entire week and I am so happy I got to sleep for 13 hours straight last night, interrupted only by one phone call and a bad dream. Welcome back, crazy sleeping patterns!

I only need to resit my PMR English paper tomorrow morning and then I'm off to my happy day in the park la la la! I feel like such a happy housewife this evening when I went to get all the picnic thingies. Even though a DIY picnic is meant to be cheaper than a meal out, I lack even the most basic kitchen essentials so in the end buying all the thingies turn out to be even more expensive har har. It's okay though, asalkan bahagia, who cares right? ;p

Friday, February 20, 2009

Photography 101

So I got to borrow the super exclusive DSLR for the whole of last week which I was supposed to use to work on the photography assignment on gender and gender roles and crap like that. But before I could even think of what to take for the assignment of course I had to play around and camwhore with it right? It's not everyday one gets such a professional-looking cam in one's hands instead of bedazzled pink digicams borrowed from one's older sisters. Finally, random camwhore pictures for the blog! Which are totally the same as the other 50217 pictures I have ever taken, except these are taken on an SLR. Woot.

Only after getting the immense satisfaction of scratching my long-neglected camwhoring itch caused by the tragic no-cameraphone state of my life did I finally start panicking like a bitch and tried taking pics to best represent feminity. Ughness.
This very gaybai picture was selected as a 'good' picture. Can't say I'm proud because it's not like I have any super fantastic technical skills and knowledge or anything. It was just a combination of different random factors and a love for photo-editing. HAR HAR

And this one was tragic. It was on the bad list. OMG. It is undeniably bad but hello, embarassing! I just threw it into the mix because I didn't have that many pictures to show okay. Thank you, procrastination. LOL.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy V

As much as I try, as much as I want to,
I will never be able to,
Pluck a star out of the sky for you,
Move mountains across the lands to you,
Part the seas for you to pass through.

My love is like a mountain,
Though from up high it might look like a rock,
Trust that it will always be there,
And that it will never stop
My love is like the ocean,
Though from afar it looks like a drop,
It is deep and it is unending
And dry up it shall not.





Valentine or not, it was one of the best days + nights of my life. Perfect in many ways, perfect because of you. Thank you. And even though it ended on a note that wasn't as sweet, I still thank you. Because I wouldn't know how sweet my apple really is until I took a bad bite and thought that I have lost my whole, sweet apple. I still love you, Apple. I love you even more :)

xo J

Thursday, February 12, 2009


THANK GOD I am finally able to surf porn in the comfort of my own home again after a whole week of no Internet connection and spending lots of hours and $$$ at the bloody CC.

After weeks of laid-backness, the assignments are finally pouring in and I can barely keep up. Before I can even finish one, two more will be assigned. Ugh. Being a major procrastinator and a bit of a perfectionist is an effed up combination because almost all my assignments are waaaaay paaaaaast their due date. I'm gonna die!

And also, the subjects for this semester are starting to make me feel a bit like a primary school kid. I mean, writing class where we learn about paragraphs? Speaking class where we play pretend for each assignment? Art class where we make collages? The only interesting class is somehow taught by a self-absorbed prick. Yay. Though the subjects are so elementary, it doesn't make them or their assignments any more bearable.

And also, tomorrow will be the first in a series of many 21st birthdays that are sure to cost a bomb. CNY has just passed but I think I'm going broke soon. Boo.

Also, I am absolutely sick of my blog having no pictures!!!!

I know this post sounds soooo full of negativity but trust me, it's a temporary thing. Because I am the happiest that I have been in a long, loooong time. I am just bugged right at this very moment because of the stupid photography assignment. But other than that, WOOT ALL GOOD! Looking forward to my very first V-day this weekend lalalalaaaa~~

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


CNYmade me fat.

Not having a phone is kinda fun sometimes. But most times it sucks hardcore.

I finally had my Preposterous burger. I mean, Prosperity. Thanks B.

And I'm in love with M&S's Triple Chocolate Crunch cereal. OMG THANKS B :D

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Bad Times

Back from CNY break which was so tiring because of the whole Kulai-JB-Singapore-JB-Melaka-KL Non-Stop Relatives Tour but at least it was financially rewarding, thanks to the exhange rate hehehe :D

The emoness has been toned down a little but the amount of drama in my life has multiplied by like, five. I am going through so many emotions right now it's unhealthy. For a boy, at least.

And all my pretty pictures in my phone, which I haven't transferred, from Christmas to New Year's to Chinese New Year are now ALL GONE like the friggin' wind. Because my phone has officially took its last breath and said goodbye. Broken down. Died. Gone forever. And I am saying goodbye to Moto because they are such stupid fucking machines that are just pretty to look at.

I don't dare to ask for a new phone. So... I'll just stick with the previous strategy and hope it works this time around heheh ;)