Friday, July 11, 2008


In fact, the whole of Times Square sucks! Had such a horrible day there yesterday! Grr~~ It all started when me and MK wanted to go for a movie -I know, I go out with MK everyday but he's the only one always free and available! Unlike some others :( - and since we're bored of MidValley and Pavilion we decided on Times Square. Bad ch0ice.

When we reached the cinema right, the person that sells the tickets checked our student IDs. I mean, all the other GSCs don't do this and of all times to check, they do it now, when my student ID is expired. I know, they're just doing their job but still, sooo annoying. And then, it turns out that for the movie we're watching (Journey to the Centre of the Earth), they DO NOT provide 3D goggles even though it's promoted as a 3D film and on the GSC website, it says that the goggles will be provided. Like WTF bitches? They say goggles are only provided at MidValley so anyone who wanna watch this movie the way it should be watched should deffo go to MV. There are loads of scenes in the movie which I think will rock if we had them stupid goggles.

And then and then, we reached the most angering, frustrating part of my day at Times Square; Station Kopitiam. When we wanted to order, all the waiters just pretended they didn't see us so that their other colleagues will tend to us. Took like 15 minutes just to get any sort of service. The serving waiter was sooo dumb ass, he kept asking us to repeat our orders. It was just a simple fried rice with two milkshakes. And still he messed it up cuz when the drinks came, my milkshake was lemon. I ordered chocolate. Asshole looked sooo unhappy when I asked him to change the drink. Apparently, getting the drink right is such a difficult task that when finally, my chocolate arrived, MK has already finished all his stuff. I took one sip of that damn chocolate and told MK 'did they like put poison in my drink cuz I told them to change it?' cuz it tasted disgusting, like there were cockroaches or something crawling in the glass. MK said it tasted of soap water. Ew. I asked MK whether I'm a bitch if I complain about it. MK said nuh uh it's our rights. MK said OMG you're gonna be so fierce. I said no I'm always nice and sweet when I complain. So I called a waiter over.

Me: Excuse me, air ni kan, baunya pelik lah.
Waiter 1: OK. (Runs off)

Whatthefuck was that? He like totally disregarded me. So I called Waiter 2 over.

Me: Scuse me, air ni busuk. Ada masalah ke?
Waiter 2: Nanti I pergi check.
Me: U nak check apa? I kata air saya ada problem.
Waiter 2: Tunggu I pergi check.

Double WTF. He ran to the kitchen to check... Check what??? Dear God. I called Waiter number 3 over. I was ready to blow.

Me: I dah beritau 2 orang tadi. Air saya ni busuk.
Waiter 3: Tunggu ya. (Brings the drink to the counter)

I followed cuz I was sick of them bitches running away. At the counter, all the staff gathered and watch like I was some kind of troublemaking alien bitch.

Me: Air ni ada problem. Busuk sangat. I dah tak nak tukar, so I'l just pay the bill. You orang akan charge untuk air ni tak?
All of them was like Huh?
Me: Siapa tahu cakap Melayu kat sini?
They were HUH?
Me: U semua kat sini, takde satu yang tahu cakap Melayu?! I beritahu you, air ni ada problem. I tak nak bayar untuk air ni. Cuba you minum tengok?
Some stupid bitch used a tiny spoon and sipped the bubbles and said
Stupid Bitch: Betul air ni. Tak salah.
Me: (Half -slammed huge bag on table) Apa maksud you tak salah? I minum kan ada bau lipas, kawan I kata macam air sabun. U cuba minum dengan straw tu! Jangan nak minum sikit sikit macam tu! U minum tengok busuk ke tak?
Stupid Bitch 2: Tapi you order chocolate. Ini chocolate. Betul.
Me: I tahu lah yang ni chocolate. Masalahnya, chocolate ni busuk! Ada bau lipas! So I tak nak bayar untuk air ni, faham?
At last, a semi-smart person stepped up
Semi-Smart: So encik, you nak macam mana? You nak kita tukar?
Me: Tak, I dah tak nak tukar. I just nak bayar untuk nasi goreng tadi tu dan milkshake satu lagi. Boleh?
Semi-Smart: OK, OK. (Gets the bill, we pay, we go)

OMG it was like soooo frustrating I was surprised I didn't pop a blood vessel or something. It totally fucked up my day and my perception of Times Square and foreign workers in general. Starting from yesterday onwards, I'm gonna be sticking to my 2nd home Pavilion and I bet all the foreign workers in Times Square gonna know that I'm a huge pain in the ass bitch LOL

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