Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Happy Monday to You

KT trip is now over but I'm still in a holiday mood right now. It was 6 days of ABSOLUTE FUN from start to finish and I'll blog about it once I have all the pictures and the time to spare cuz omg we did so much and took so many pictures it's going to take like, an hour to post everything up.

I now consider myself a very successful procrastinator in doing my procrastination paper. At first I wanted to do the assignment while in KT. But of course, it was all play and play so the only thing I managed to do was a rough draft. Then I was thinking maybe I can do it in KB if we reach early. Mana tahu..... Never mind, if I was very gaybai I could still do it in the car or when we get back in the evening, since we were leaving early in the morning. Mana tahu dot dot dot. Long story short, I only started doing my assignment at 11 this morning. The deadline was 5 in the evening, today. Oops. Whatever. I was kinda preparing already to make a late submission and lose marks but luckily, I have had LOTS of experience doing last minute work so still sempat hahahaha! Yay me :D

At first I thought tonight would be another boring Cheras night but nope, I went on a Klang trip! Loves it :) OHF has been planning a Klang trip for so goddamn long but as far as I know, it has never menjadi so I was really sexcited. Saw the giant Jusco which looked glam-er than all the other Juscos I've seen but tak sempat jalan cuz we were so friggin starving so we went makan seafood. Crabs prawns fish prawns squid omg orgasmic. After that we went to the funfair. I love funfairs! It was actually the exact same one as the one in Bukit Jalil before this but this time, it's soooooooo muchhhhh bettttterrrr cuz got the pak-tor feel! Didn't go on any rides that would make us throw up all the delish seafood in our tummies so we just stuck to playing the games. D won teddy bears for me..... Ahhh feels like in a movie~~ LOL


eLLie~bAo said...

anakku dah grown up kan..tak perlu la teddy bear..mari kasi mama...

Jeffrey said...

Tak nak!! I love my teddy bears! U pergi menang sendiri la... susah payah baru dapat tahu??