Thursday, January 8, 2009

Holiday's Over Bitch

Just the 2nd day in and I have already finished a presentation for one subject and finishing homework for another. Aku suka lah gaya hidup student nih mwahahah! I might be singing a different tune during finals week but WHATEVER! It gets boring sometimes but at least I'm doing something and it's something that I know. Talk about never venturing outside safety zones LOL.

I can't remember the last time I did a solo presentation and I was nervous as hell. But I put to good use my skills of exaggerating by 200% and talked about how one single CD pouch means sooo much to me because it contains the CDs of all my family members and how listening to each different one reminds me of loved ones and how family is all that matters blah blah blah UURGGHH I'm so cheeeeesy I disgust myself sometimes bwhahaha. It doesn't matter at all though because the lecturer was obviously more interested in a text message than his students' efforts. Boo.

BTW thanks to Mr Sean Aw because as I am writing this I am currently eating his X'mas gifts of mostest amazingest Rich Dark Chocolate Ferrero Rochers! They're like an orgasm and a half WOOT! Cherry and Sab's gifts have already been consumed during a moment of extreme emo-ness when I badly needed things to suck on. Eh... that sounded kinda wrong heh heh ;)


Cherry KSL said...

was the xmas tree nice! ;)

oh jeffrey, ur such a drama queen..*refering to the CD pouch* haha..

Jeffrey said...

Yes the huge-ass xmas tree lolli rocked! Thank u mwahh

Hahaha u know me right, I can fake award-winning emotions LOL (exaggerating again :P)

Sean Aw said...

glad that u like the chocolate... hehe...

Jeffrey said...

LOVE the chocs timakasi!