Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Bundle of Joy

Yesterday night I went out with Nasa again and like 2 nights before, it was super fun but after the first stop we were full and already getting bored cuz there was nothing to do and nowhere to go. The night before I suggested that if we don't have anything to do, we could always go bundle shopping cuz right before that I just passed by this bundle store and suddenly had this really strange, really strong urge to go bundle shopping.

So last night we really had no other destination and we were like, what the heck what have we got to lose right? Not like we have anything better to do. So off we go! Before this, back when I was a bratty, snooty teenager, I always like, pandang rendah all this bundle shops and shoppers but now that I am 20 and know the value of a GOOD BARGAIN I was like all OMG.

I mean, who could resist signs like this?
Even though it was me who suggested this, there's really no one else to go with except for Nasa. He really has the eye and the patience to pick out all the rockin' pieces. Most of what I bought were found by him and the ones he got for himself were just unbelievable. They were all practically in perfect condition. Mine, not so much. And because of his size, he got all the fierce tiny ones for chicks.
These had shoulder pads. I know they are in right now but nuh uh not for me. I tore them out immediately.
This one is so Philosophy, I could like wear it clubbing!

All for 15 bucks bitches! I am sooooo happy cuz they were such bargains! And we managed to kill off an hour plus just browsing the racks hee hee. We stood out like a Bentley in a Proton dealer; all them rempits staring like they ain't seen anything like us before mwahahaha cuz we were loud, giggly, flamboyant and shopping in the girl's sections ;p


Sab said...

WOW!! SO LENG CHAI! *faints from Jeffrey's gorgeousness*

Jeffrey said...

*sniff sniff*
Do I smell something funny here?
Could it be sarcasm??
Hahahhaah :P

Sab said...

How could you say that??

You do know that I am eternally bound to be truthful about people's gorgeousness, right? Haha