Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Tengok nama tu. Jangan kena tipu tau. It wasn't euphoric at all. LOL. The club I mean. Spending time with gilarr friends always is! Hahahha

Last Thursday I finally met up with CAS after god knows how long we haven't gone out with each other. I remembered the last time we went clubbing was.... when I was in my "radical" hair phase, so that was like, 8 months ago? After that we only saw each other when terserempak in college and after I changed schools, lagilah susah nak jumpa. Especially with their schedule last sem. This outing pun kita dah plan entah braper lama baru jadi heheh. OMG I MISS YOU ALL MWAHH!

So we've heard la all the nice nice things and the hype about MOS Euphoria so kita pun pergi jenguk jenguk larr.
Camwhoring in the car while waiting for Naomi. My arm looks freakily man-ish. LOL
In the club. Sorry for cutting out half your head, Naomi! Hee Hee Si Sab tu berjoget dengan gembiranya~~ LOL

Anyways we reached kinda late, like close to 1. Place was huge and the tempat pun cantik, orangnya pun cantik cantik belaka heheh ;) But then sayangnya, the music and the DJ was so... I wanted to say cacated but then maybe it's just my taste that's retarded kut. It was not danceable at all. I felt like I was attending some headbanger rock concert and everyone's just either jumping up and down or walking around. After trying to dance for like an hour plus, we gave up and just wandered around, taking purdy pictures.
Sluts in Action! WoooOOO~
The glass bridge thingy which Sab and Audrey couldn't stand on cuz they were wearing skirts. Too bad, it made for a nice picture hahaha
Cherry dyed her hair red before going. Hahaha it was the wall actually. And we were the only two who were so damn bersemangat to camwhore every chance we got.
@Murni, hungry like fuck after clubbing.
After the whole thing has ended, I realized that... I need more of this! Memang tak cukup! Luckily Cherry already 'chup'-ed me so we're definitely going out again (right???) sometime next week right after I finish my finals! Yay :D
Last paper tomorrow lalalala after that HSM3 (!!) lalalala karaoke movies clubbing lalalalala happiness!!


Cherry KSL said...

excuse moi,

u asked me out! hehehehhehe....nah i just wanted to sound wanted! of cos sudah chup u! weeeeeeeeeeeee!

Jeffrey said...

ahahhaha yr always wanted la sayang! tak kira la sape chup sape, as long as we're going out gether! whheeeeEE~~

Cherry KSL said...

*cherry smiling soooooo wide like a cheerleader's smile*