Sunday, September 27, 2009

Observations Made Under Alcoholic Influence

Tonight's a good night. I danced so much my straightened hair turned back into curls ;)

I came to the realization that acting cute at the age of 20 is never going to be cute, at all. Being drunk is not an excuse. [That doesn't mean I'm going to stop doing it though ;p]

I'm glad to discover I "still got it", so to speak.

I never noticed how much drama there is in the toilets of a club after closing time. There are people falling over, passing out, breaking up, fighting, crying, vomitting. I'm just relieved I'm not in any of the categories. Phew. So close.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I Heart Old Friends

As in, literally old. Someone just turned 20 yesterday! LOL
I'm glad I realized that I had like 10 days of absolute freedom just in time to follow my parents back.
I thought I was going to be non-celebrating Raya somewhere other than KT for the first time in a long time but noooo, who the hell can turn down the amazing nasi minyak, dagang, ketupat and RENDANG (especially Kakak's!!) that comes together with Raya?
I have been so well fed these past 3 days =D
So far I've beraya at Piqah's house which was intimidatingly crowded, and Nasa's new house where we catched up on all the usual everythings and where his gaggle of noisy cousins + siblings made me feel like a celeb ;p
The first and so far only non-Raya social event was Joanna's birthday last night. As in, Joanna the divamodelactress extraordinaire that I haven't seen in YEARS. It's always good to catch up.
In fact, if people didn't know better, they'd thought we were on a date today.
We went running on the beach - isn't that soooo Fergie & Josh Duhamel of us? Joanna's idea obvs, I'd never initiate a sports activity myself. She's apparently a sports freak now - and then later went to Batu Buruk to look at kites, play with baby horses and eat the ice cream colek of our childhood! Woot!
I love how KT is sooo filled with people during Raya that wherever you go, people will stare at you. They might be bitching and I might be perasan but whatever la, I miss Pavilion =p

Friday, September 18, 2009

How Do They Do It?

I don't understand where some people get the motivation to update their blogs daily, with lots and lots of pictures some more.
Since I missed Cyntia's first celebration, I'm glad I didn't skip her dinner last night.
It's been so long since the last time we had an almost-full gathering. I miss.
Plus, the chocolate cake was ohmyGOD! Yummm.
Later, we did our pillow talk thing that played out like a talk show.
After covering the usual topics - love, sex, health and beauty, we finally went to bed at sunrise and then woke up at sunset.
Just in time to berbuka at McD's before going to Pavilion to score free Clinique foundation and also, paid 11 bucks to gross ourselves out =)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Me and My Tummy, We Got Issues

7 days ago, I came back from a very boring class, expecting it to be a normal boring day.
I took a nap and when I woke up my tummy hurts as though I was having period cramps.
Not that I know how period cramps felt like but my face looked like Cyntia when she's having her period so it must have been the same kinda pain.
Next thing I know, everything's coming out non-stop from both ends (hahah sounds so wrong), even when there's nothing left to come out.
At one point in the middle of the night, I even thought I was going to be hospitalized cuz all of a sudden I was like a Katy Perry song, burning hot and cold. Could it be H1N1? Dengue again?
I began to have extremely inappropriate thoughts about how my stay in the hospital would be, how all my friends would come and I'd be so malu malu but secretly so flattered, how people would manja me and bring me stuff, how I hated getting needles jabbed in my arm when suddenly the doctor just flipped me over and put a shot in my butt and that's it, dah boleh balik rumah. Anticlimactic betul!
The next day I was okay-er but the day after that it got bad again. So bad until I missed Cyntia's crab-eating birthday dinner! I so bersusah payah got everyone here to Taman Connaught for dinner (OK la, not that susah but still, I don't do it often) and I really, really wanted to eat crabs!
Ahem, and also, I really, really wanted to celebrate Cyntia's birthday, of course ;p
It was sooooo torturous when you are starving but everything you put in your mouth comes back up 2 minutes later.
I finally stopped vomitting and got better when I started singing @Greenbox on Friday. I don't know if other people vomitted though, that's beside the point.
By Saturday I was well enough to resume my weekly night workout sessions so the weekend was not lost! See, even viruses like to have fun instead of staying in bed all day kay.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Go to Facebook if You're Looking for Pictures

If it wasn't for the Twitter bar on the right, this poor blog would have been completely lifeless.
Since the most recent occasion for excitement was my Beijing trip, it would be the most logical subject for a long-overdue blog update but sigh, I just can't find the energy.
I mean, an entire blog entry? That is like, soooo challenging! Everything I want or need to say these days can be expressed in 140 words or less. Anything more is just over-ambitious ;p
Anyways, just to summarize my whole vacation, I love shopping!
I love shopping at stores that you can't find over here. Everything feels so new and refreshing! No bumping into losers wearing the same tee as you.
I love looking at price tags and then dividing the numbers by 2 and then go, WOW that's just like 75 ringgit!
I love bargaining. I love it when the salespeople go, 150? And I'm, No, 40. And then they go like, 120? 80? 50? Okay FINE FINE 40!! Woooooot!