Monday, September 7, 2009

Go to Facebook if You're Looking for Pictures

If it wasn't for the Twitter bar on the right, this poor blog would have been completely lifeless.
Since the most recent occasion for excitement was my Beijing trip, it would be the most logical subject for a long-overdue blog update but sigh, I just can't find the energy.
I mean, an entire blog entry? That is like, soooo challenging! Everything I want or need to say these days can be expressed in 140 words or less. Anything more is just over-ambitious ;p
Anyways, just to summarize my whole vacation, I love shopping!
I love shopping at stores that you can't find over here. Everything feels so new and refreshing! No bumping into losers wearing the same tee as you.
I love looking at price tags and then dividing the numbers by 2 and then go, WOW that's just like 75 ringgit!
I love bargaining. I love it when the salespeople go, 150? And I'm, No, 40. And then they go like, 120? 80? 50? Okay FINE FINE 40!! Woooooot!

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