Tuesday, June 14, 2011

No Like

I guess this is one of life's many, ahem, learning opportunities that each person just has to go through.
Today I had to take responsibility [and the resulting consequences] of something that I didn't even do in the first place.
Months ago, this sort of unfairness would have me waving clutches in people's faces... but I guess WORKING PEOPLE are just more responsible than that. Har Har. I love saying that. Interning is still a job RIGHT?
I didn't even want to start any sort of drama, even though I know I was more than partially right.
All I did was just nod, say I'm sorry, say I'm sorry again, smile and bear with it.
Seriously, what's the point of starting some never-ending argument? It would only cause bad blood and that would be b-a-a-a-d because you're gonna have to be in constant contact with them; and when you're at the bottom of the food chain, you cannot afford to be making enemies :)


On a completely unrelated note, my tummy has been home to jittery, fluttery butterflies this past week. The good kind. They've been missing a long time. I catch myself smiling like a loony to nobody in particular every now and then. Anyways, talking about it = jinxing it + it's much too soon to even know what it is = ishallstopnowfullstop

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