Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A Reaaaallly LOOOONG Catch Up Post

You know how people always say like, the grass is greener on the other side blah the blah blah. Funny cuz its pretty much true. Like a few weeks back while I was in KT I kept saying that I was dying of boredom and my brain was rotting and all sorts of shit. Then I went back to KL and I felt sorta the same thing like life was also pretty much meaningless - like OMFG am I having a pre-quarter life crisis? - and I started missing all the tiny crappy KT things like sunrises & sunsets and most importantly, Zie's! Even the pesky tuition kids that I help tutor for me dad suddenly looked attractive, considering it was the only job I had. Yep, I failed miserably at finding a uber-glam job in KL. I don't know why I set out with intentions to look for a job, it turns into a shopping trip. Maybe I should stop trying to look for jobs at ab-fab places that make me wanna buy their clothes ;)
So I don't know what to think that the moment I get back to KT, I get to experience all the so-called well-missed things, all in the same day. Like, my dad woke me up at an ungodly hour cuz he needed to go to the airport and there I have it, 4 hours sleep and my beloved sunrise. And then cuz he was in KL, it means that I gotta take some of his classes and ta-dah, reunited with the appreciation-challenged, noisy snarky students I love so much. Thank God for Zie's with Mama :D
Anyways since this is like the philosophy of my being, it is only natural that now I'm back in KT, I'm gonna start reminiscing shit about my shallow but fab-packed life in KL right? Right. Already start missing the hectic pace, the malls, the clubs and the toxic air of city life LOL. And since I'd practically ignored my blog while I was in KL, I figured now would be a pretty good time to post da pics of all I did in KL last couple weeks :)
So the mainest thing that happened, and also the official reason for me to go back was my convocation ceremony. Yep, the result of studying hard (and also playing hard), countless assignments and bloody exams for two whole years is so I can spend 1 and a half hour waiting in a hall in an unflattering and uncomfortable robe to go onstage for 30 seconds and receive an empty blue scroll thingy that make funny poppish noises. Wel, at least it gave the OHF gang yet another reason to camwhore kao kao! Many of them had loads of family members with them. In a way it was kinda sedih for me lar, but then it's okay cuz I imagine it would be dead boring for them plus, I still plan to have several more convocations if possible. LOL. My dear dear sister was so kind, she bought me flowers! Even though flowers aren't really my thing, but it means that kiasu me won't have to feel so left out when everyone else pose with their huge bouquets :P

Well anyways there we were, posing with the bloody hats and scrolls and someone had this extremely clever and original idea of throwing them hats - are they even called hats? - into the air for the really graduate kinda feel. Like, clever right? I was like, please don't be so gaybai do you think you're shooting a poster or something? No one listened and were all for the damn idea. Once was not enough. Nor was twice. By the third time it's like so melebih lebih but they still wanna throw them hats up and hey, as luck would have it, someone's hat hit me in the face with its sharp edge. Never felt so beautiful. I was already feeling like shit for that few days so getting maimed really made me just wanna cry! LOL
The rest of the convo pics, most are already on my Friendster though:

Maybe she confused me for one of her popstar idols from behind??
There's always time to camwhore, even though in a no-camera zone waiting to go onstage.
Going back to KL also meant that nights on weekends will be much much fuller with life. Bitch is talking bout nightlife LOL. Since I was deprived of club smoke for soo long, I originally planned to hit up all the usual spots and then some not only on Saturdays but also Fridays and Thursdays and Sundays. Desperate right? But its a situation my cash flow and my friends' schedules don't allow cuz unlike me, they actually have jobs and classes to attend. Oh boo. So I only managed to go for like, twice or three times which I suppose is better than not going at all.

First night, with Mama @ the usual

Andy's birthday, where for the first time ever, I mixed my college friends with my old skool friends. Thank god no awkward situations arose where I have to run back and forth between two groups cuz no one was talking whew. My bitches are cool!

Back in KT, I found myself a new twin sister and when I got back to KL, Mary-Kate did not disappoint. Like me, he was without school or job so we had pleeenty of time to lepak around. And since his hati dah pun berkecai kecai, we really did went out a lot. Even had slumber parties over at his place in Bukit Jalil. Which was where they had a fun faaair woo hoo. First time we went it was after 12 so the place was closing and I said I wanna go once more to play the rides. So the second time we went a bit earlier and the rides were open. There were actually only a few rides, like 3 or 4 that seemed like fun so we decided to start with the one that looked the funnest which was this huge ass thing that swings you round and round and up and down.

Look at how tall it is! It was seriously fun cuz you're like hanging on while being thrown and twisted in god knows what directions and at the highest point, you get to see out real far. Too bad that when we came down, I felt like someone unscrewed my head and reattached it upside down. I went all the way there and I was only able to play ONE ride cuz I was too effed up to play any other rides after that monster. Since even the carousel would make me throw up at that point, we decided to go win some prizes. When I saw there were SpongeBobs to be won, I absolutely couldn't resist!

I tried real hard but all I managed to win was two teeny tiny ugly bears. No SpongeBob for me :(

Of course, a trip back to KL wouldn't be complete without a diva karaoke session with KZT. And since we too fabulous to do morning sessions anymore, we went for the night one. And I was sooo looking forward to it cuz I really felt like I could be the next Ashlee Simpson but bad lucked as I was, I came down with flu. Which was more or less my fault for doing what I did, but still! UGH! My voice totally got fucked up, my eyes looked bengkak as hell and I got a clown's nose.

This is how every single shot of the four of us looks like! Always the same positions and poses, different settings and clothes. Worse is when we're at DK GBX, we always camwhore in front of the wall near the toilet. LOL

After exhausting my quota of fun in KL, I was just about to wonder what else I can do to occupy my little fickle mind for the next couple of weeks when lo n behold, parents to the rescue. They said they were coming down for a long weekend holiday and whisked us up to Genting. But not before I redeemed all the messages God sent me hehehe ;)

Camwhoring in the cold weather

And we saw this really cute wind thingies that Cyntia has, so hey anakku, this picture is for you! Muah! Short legs rock!

1 comment:

cyntia said...

both of u look nice with short legs!
lets go for an operation n cut off ur legs~
short legs rocks!