Thursday, July 31, 2008

Back in KL & The Fabulosity So Far

Eh tak sampai sekejap jer at KT and already I bergegas back to KL, with very little people knowing. Ahaks some people don't even know I left KL in the first place. The reason for me coming back is a very complicated one involving my dad, a sudden seminar, fucked up dates and a few classes of students potentially left with no one to guide their progress in education. Barf lol.

So anyways, I packed my shit up and climbed onto the fastest double-decker bus back to KL, practically with no one knowing ;) Anyways, life back here isn't supposed to be filled with fabulosity. It's supposed to be spent going through countless ads and notices so that come September, I won't be a homeless slut in an all-new environment. But seriously, fuck all the classifieds. I've been sitting at the computer for days going through a massive amount of classifieds (among doing other things of course) and yet I'm nowhere near a room. GRR. Maybe it's time to do the manual thing and bang door-to-door searching for accomodation. And also, call upon whatever limited contacts I have to beg for help.

Like I said, I was supposed to be filling my life with all this dreary stuff of house-hunting but, I can’t help if fabulosity knocks at my door right? Barely 5 hours after reaching KL, I was already terrorizing MidValley.

What to do? Both Mama and I needed new threads for our night-time activities :D
Recently have been going out with Mama a lot, and doing lots of catching up. Really feels like our high school ages (forgive me for being in denial about my real age, again) except that now, we're wiser and ehem, more experienced in certain aspects heheh and we've lost the dork look, hopefully.

Andy joined us at night, and we went to the New Place instead of the Usual. Definitely much hotter. It's been sooo friggin long since the last time just the three of us went out. You can tell that things have changed. I used to like, kinda look up to Andy, like he's the mostest senior one and like, he's this ferocious fashionista but don't really feel that way anymore. And I'm sure that Andy feels the same too, cuz he's less talkative and the two things he said made me know for sure - he referred to me as "former best friend" and then he said, "like I don't know you anymore". Sad sad :( I know we're still good friends, but it's like people grow up and lots of things change I guess.

The next day was BuatBuat's convocation. Both me and Cyntia already told her that we can't make it cuz we wanted to see her OTT buat buat reaction when we do the whole 'HI! SURPRISE~~~' thing, and we weren't disappointed. From far away we can already see her doing the whole OH with the big big eyes and everything LOL LOL LOL. It would be muuuuch better if there were tears, but that's not her thing, it's the specialty of her roomie, the one and only JC. And according to her, the surprise was not 'high' enough, so there was no need for tears. Thanks HowYee, made my trip back from KT just to see you feel soooo worthwhile. Hngh. (LOL I'm kidding, I know you read this during lunchtime so hehehe cheers :D Don't termuntah) After her convo we went bergedik gedik at Pavilion and she belanja us satu dozen donuts to show her love and appreciation awwwww....

A semi-nasty picture, which is like, my default setting.

And then a so called 'normal' one which she can show to everyone else and not kept together with the other Victoria's Secrets ;)
I finally redeemed my convocation gift meal from my dad via my sister. LOL sounds so complicated, like Jac is a free meal voucher hahaha. Was supposed to get it in Genting last couple weeks but food up there mostly sucks and anyways, Lim Goh Tong took the food money from my dad. So we were left starving by the slot machines. LOL! So because I didn't had any lunch and was dead bored, I texted my beloved sis and asked her out to dinner. She marah me very kao lat cuz I was sooo last minute and she was sooo ugly hahaha. So I brought her a blouse (which I ironed first, OMG I'm such a lovely brother) to change into, which was totally unneccesary cuz she spilled food on it. Dirty pig lol. Felt so meletup, the calories I lost by skipping lunch came back in double during dinner bwhahaha.

Pre-makan camwhoring

Camwhoring during starters

Enough food for two hungry pigs

And yet, still feeling voracious grr

After we finished makaning, we saw this totally gruesome thing which made us almost throw back up again. KLCC was closing when we wanted to chao and we heard this horrid screams and saw a guard running towards the screams. We thought there was like a gang fight or pek yao going on so we walked, as calmly and as un-kaypoh as possible towards the same direction. What we saw was totally terrifying in a very sad sad way. A cleaner auntie, who is old and very tiny, seemed to have gotten her hand stuck in an escalator. We couldn't see very clear what happened so it might seem like illogical to get a hand stuck in an escalator but seriously, she was sitting down and crying + screaming in total pain. Everytime someone tried pulling her hand out, she screamed with fresh pain. It was totally too much to handle. We left hoping to god that she would be ok.

Yesterday was Rong's farewell but no blogs about it yet cuz I'm too lazy to transfer the pics right now. Should be up in a couple days :)

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