Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The KT Trip!!

Caution: Super LONG post ahead bitches
WheeeEEEE~~~ I finished my assignment much much earlier than expected so I didn't need to stay up till the early a.m doing it, AND I can finally post all these bloody pics up!
So... I'm totally gonna do a Lulu style post here and talk about all the tiny random details cuz there are just so many. Hope I didn't forget anything heheh since it's been a week since we got back :D
We started our journey really really early, like around 4 in the morning (we didn't even sleep the night before! We just keng kai and keng kai and danced to Womanizer till 4!) and decided to have a McD breakfast. So we went to the nearest one which was in Melati but because it was puasa month, they weren't doing breakfast till 5. So instead of wasting time waiting, we decided to start our journey first and stop at the next nearest Mickey D, the Genting Sempah one.
The staff was totally rude and incompetent but whatever, we were so excited we didn't care. Can camwhore some more, macam tak pernah masuk McDonalds.

My useless talent of camwhoring and driving at the same time. Woo hoo :)

We stopped for a toilet break at this place with lots of plants and flowers and we wanted to do a Cameron Highlands kinda thing but then tak jadi lor, since can see the toll place and the toilet sign directly behind hahahah

Anyways, the time it took us to reach KT was really quick. We were driving at legal speeds and reached in 5 hours. We didn't expect we would reach so early, so we (meaning me, since I was the one living here) did not have plans. We just lepak at home and then cuz we were pretending to be superheroes the night before by not sleeping, we totally tidur mati till like, 5 30. Just in time for Bazar Ramadan! Loves it! By the time we reached, not much food was left, and it was the last day. So sad. The last year I went like 20 times but it's okay, we bought half a chicken which kicked ass :D

During dinner the first night. This person usually eat until sooooo si si man man with forks la, knives la but look how GROSS this is! If you can't guess who is it, just look at the LONG fingers bwhahaha
After dinner, we were almost bursting. Decided to workout using Twister. Yay yay can pose melebih lebih hehehe. At first still very normal
Becoming harder! Hahahah
Look at my expression and Joceline's head coming out from my CB. As if I'm giving birth!

Losers gotta drink up. This drink tastes as shitty as it looks.
The next day we were totally bersemangat to go beraya. I've done this like a million times but then, still super sexcited cuz first time beraya with my KL friends. It was also the first time I saw HowYee wearing jeans on a non-work / school day. Bwahahha.

Selamat Hari Raya bitches!

Anyways, we have decided that HowYee and Joceline are sisters separated at birth that have finally found each other! Look how alike they are! Plus they both gila HSM. Together, they're the Long Gang ;p

We went to god knows how many houses that first day but the last house was really something. It looked like a palace! And I guess in some ways it is cuz the person staying there was royalty. Ooh la la~ We took one look at the place and went, Photoshoot! We even heard the super glam lady said something totally funny, which we kept repeating for the next few days. A lil girl asked her where the toilet is and she said, "Yes sayang? Where is the toilet? That's a very good question. Let me show you" Like hello? Whatever happened to a simple 'go straight and turn left'?

Mak Datin and her abused maid.

After that, we went to dinner and Giant and then because we were sick of our (OK, Cyntia's) precious vodka tasting like shit cuz we were mixing it with stupid drinks, we got lemons and lime and fizzy water and whatnot and after experimenting in the kitchen for a while, ta-dah!

Sudah boleh jadi expert bartender hahaha

After drinking at home, we still tak puas so we went out yamcha. We really really wanted to go to Zie's but then because it's Raya, it wasn't open. So we went and became the centre of attention somewhere else. Seriously, it's like everywhere we go, it surely becomes kecoh. In KL it's OK cuz everyone is almost as loud but then here, everyone's all quiet and old and looking at us cuz we were laughing and cackling. In fact, we had so much fun and our gestures were all so melebih lebih that this happened

HowYee loses 2 bucks worth of her strawberry smoothie. Luckily she already telan her strawberry

The second day of Raya was basically the same as the first, in which again we makan till we almost explode. Have to eat a lot cuz too long didn't have any good Malay food hahahaha. But we didn't follow my parents for the whole day cuz in the afternoon, I went beraya at Anis's and Piqah's house. OMG I miss them soooo much! So sayang didn't get a chance to camwhore with them ishhh... If Yewei was there it'd be perfect heheh. The next destination was Nasa's soo sexciting but then he couldn't menggila gila with us cuz his relatives were there, gotta maintain image LOL

In the evening, beach time! There were this totally uuuhhhhmaaayyyzzingggg rock formations at this beach I brought them to which I have always thought would make a fantastic backdrop for shoots and our super photog Cyntia agreed. She was sooo sexcited when she saw the place, tak sabar sabar to start shooting ahhaha :D We took pics until the camera and my phone also habis battery LOL

Gorgeous right? I meant the place la, but the models also not bad what! LOL. Here, Cyntia would say, "Who should you thank???" and I should say "Oh, you, our super talented amazing photographer Cyntia Ng"
We still did not have enough of camwhoring so in the night, we went all over KT town scouting for potential places where we can camwhore kao kao. A hotel compound and an ugly playground were all we managed to find lol

We also went to McD's cuz bertembung with Kong Jie and Melanie and they suggested that. Seems like half of the Chinese teen population that was in KT gathered there that night. Thank God we were fab. LOL. Anyways, it might seem stupid for me to take a picture of McD but look closely cuz this particular McD is one-of-a-kind-I've-never-seen-it-anywhere-else-OMG. Usually, the outside part of McDs would be sexy cafe-style chairs and tables and yellow lighting but not here! It's all plastic chairs and tables and dirty smokers ala Green Rose. Hello McMamak!

Cyntia and her newfound husband!

Friday was totally low key. In the evening, we surprised my momma and my sis with a birthday cake for their double birthday celebration and then..... BBQ!! Loves it bitch! No pictures at all cuz who the hell wanna waste time taking pics when our hands (and mouths) are full to the max! Heheh! I'm not like some bloggers who if saw something exciting when they shitting also will sumbat their shit back up their assholes so that they can take pictures cuz they're "good bloggers"! Yeah, I'm talking to you Fingernails!

Anyways, we started bbq-ing chicken wings first but they took so long that by the time they're done we have already gone through 600 packets of sausages, lalas, delicious pork ribs (OMG!), the BESTEST sotong and crabs. We realized that the crabs weren't dead when we started bbq-ing them so they were like popping and twitching on the fire until they became nicely red and we ate them. I know, it's so cruel but whatever, cuz in the afternoon, one of the crabs kiap my dad soooo badly so yeah, ALL CRABS MUST DIE!!! Evil laughter

Saturday we were supposed to go to KB to meet Khun but the bus was delayed for like 2 hours plus. Reached the bus station at 4 something and had McD's (Yeah I know right??) and then reached KB at 10 something, 11. Tired but had a rocking Thai dinner. Yeah, this trip is all about makan. Became a fat bitch once we got back.

The next day... OMG the next day. Where should I start? We started our journey back home at around 10 in the morning after a great Kelantanese breakfast (LOL LOL food again!) and by 11 something, I think we have just covered like what, 30 kilometres? The cars were practically crawling, there were sooooo many and it was so friggin jammed. We in the backseat were having loads of fun though, singing along to Mariah and Leona like divas! LOL

Then around 12 I think, I remembered we were on our second disc hitting some high notes, passing a car that just banged another but we went on our way, braking and starting, braking and starting when you know la, Malaysian drivers so friggin kay poh chee and one stupid uncle looked at the accident, forgot to brake, bang the car behind us and that car banged us. High notes became screams. Got down and wanted to get a few hundred bucks from the stupid uncle to go makan a good meal (OMG what is with us and food?!?!) but he very cibaily said wanna go to police station. Fine, go lor, not our faults at all. We stood at the roadside there so fabulously that all the other cars slowed down and stared hahahaha. Wanted to take off our clothes and get a fabulous tan but..... LOL.

At the police station, took so long to lodge a fucking report and then decided to buy 4D cuz that's what aunties do. Buy 4D when got accident. So kita pun beli la 4D while still in the police station. Bwahahhaa!

Anyways, a journey that was supposed to take only 7 hours maximum took us 16 hours. It was that congested. All the way right into KL. I pitied Khun cuz he drove all the way. It was manual bitch. Salute! Backseat continued to have fun, going from CD to CD, oldies pun ada, High School Musical pun ada. We pretended to be Britney la, Sharpay la, PCD la, but, Lil Mama was the most popular LOL. That was enough to keep us high all the way. We saw sunsets and even two rainbows hehe. We even made new friends. When it was damn jam and the cars moved real slow, one Kelisa full of guys rolled down their window and gave us duku. Hahaha. After that, there was a Honda with TWO SERIOUS HOTTIES and we kept pintas them and then let them pintas us, over and over, so that we could kap. Bwahahah sit in the car too long till siao dy.

But............ The best news throughout the entire journey came when we were having dinner at KFC. Kena lottery babe!!! Wakakakaka lucky or what?

Finally, we reached KL. Holiday over. Back to real life. Another kenangan manis for us :D


Sean Aw said...

wow... you guys can really eat a lot... it's like the whole post is more about food... haha...

Jeffrey said...

Yup! We were actually filming Jalan Jalan Cari Makan, KT Edition.
LOL ;p

Seline said...

i think cyntia is gonna tag this post on her next post... haha..

Jeffrey said...

Hahaha like the zoo trip post right?