Saturday, April 25, 2009

Pissed Off!

I sent Joceline to her bowling practice just now at the stadium which was like 30 minutes away and we were already late. So naturally I was rush-y and piss-y and was speeding into the parking lot when this Malay idiot wanted to come out of his lot and so just zoomed out without checking if there were cars. If I was a kinder person I might have considered letting him get out first but me being me and him being such a stupid driving-school-failing fucker, I honked him loud and hard.

I dropped my sister off as we were both laughing about how people can be such idiots when this guard walked over to the car and tapped on the window, fierce as a motherfucker. I rolled down the window and he was like, "Oi, boleh bawak kereta slow sikit?!"

Mama was pissed. I wanted to scream at him:

Hoi, engkau tak tengok pun sape yang salah engko dah marah-marah kat saya. Ko tak nampak ke, dia yang bodoh, keluar tak tengok keta. Biarlah saya bawak cepat ke, bawak lambat ke, dia yang salah tau tak?

Tengok muka mung memang tahu doh, mu takdok kereta. Motor ada? Undang pernah ambik? Ko tak baca ke, bile nok keluor tuh, tengok takdok kereta baru keluor. Tapi kita tahu ah, salah dia pun, ko tak marah dia punya. Tahu-tahu lah kita watpe kita kena marah walaupun dok salah pun.

Tapi mu doksoh nok wat pandai pulok. Mu ingat mu sape? JPJ? Mu jaga je, mu tau dok? Mu ingat mu pakai uniform, duk kat pondok jaga tu, mu bijok ngat? Boleh ajor kita guane nok bawak kereta? Mu tau dok, cermin sekeping nih boleh bayar gaji mung sebulan. Ketuk gi ngan walkie talkie tuh!

Of course, there's no need to waste words on losers. So I did what I always do.
I put on my sweetest, fakest smile and say "O.K!
And then I put the car in gear, hit the pedal really, really hard and left him in a cloud of dust and smoke, too pissed off to speak. Hopefully.

If I were dealing with more civilized people, I'd talk to his superior and make such a fuss until he gets demoted/fired/annihilated but we all know people like them only think with their fists and their cocks, so what's the point? I got the last word in anyways hehe :P


eLLie~bAo said...

u r so SWEET!!!

p/s: wonder how i gave birth to this kind of anak?!?!?!

Jeffrey said...

I know right, I'm a miracle!