Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Day I Want to Call Into Radio Shows...

...and scream at them.

I don't know if it's because I've been sitting around doing too much nothing or because I've been playing driver a lot but I've been listening to a lot of radio lately and today things just get on my nerve. I'm bored. I need to rant.

So I was listening to the Morning Crew on Hitz and they had several mat rempits over as guests for their show today. So I don't know if they know, but when you have guests over, you treat them with respect. It's like basic manners taught to 5 year-olds all over the world. But for the first time I actually found JJ and Ean disgusting. Not only did they speak the most cringe-inducing, horrible Malay (they said bro like 5 times per sentence. Do they think that that's what constitutes the Malay language? Do they think that it's rempit-speak?) but they were also sooo friggin' patronizing and condescending towards the mat rempits. You may not agree with what people do, but you asked them over; so there's no need for you to take such a high moral tone and preach and talk to people as though they are stupid.

Worse was the 5 p.m. guy from Fly. Forgot his name. He has always been a try-too-hard so I never liked him but just now when they had a girl call in who said she looooves to buy designer bags, he actually said something along the lines of 'you must be happy spending your husband's money' and she replied that she was not using her husband's money to buy her designer bags. Go gurrrl! I mean like, HELLO? What century are we living in??? He immediately assumed that just because she likes shopping, oh she must be spending her hubby's cash. Stupid fucking sexist. And his English was omgcandie. At one point he used the phrase "the rumour will be revealed". Like WTF does it mean? Shouldn't it be something like the truth will be revealed? Or the rumour will be clarified/put to rest/cleared up/denied???

Gosh Malaysian radio's making me cranky. I must have a truly boring life to have written so much, just on what people say on the radio sighhhh

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