Monday, April 20, 2009

2nd Day and I'm Getting Bored

This always happens to me when I come back here. My brain would be completely empty and I would have nothing interesting/exciting to say except for a few random bits of useless information and rants and complaints, all of which I can just tweet anyways.

Speaking of which, I am soooo addicted to Twitter. It's even more addictive than Facebook, especially now with all the losers and wannabes flocking to FB and overloading the whole thing with their moronic status updates and even lamer quizzes.

Anyhoooo I was looking for pics to upload when I realize that shit, I haven't had a proper camwhore session in ages. I can't find like, a series of 30 shots of just my face from every imaginable angle. Sooo frustrating because I'm bored of seeing all my current pics. Blueh.

I cannot believe my dad finds something to complain about each time I come back. It's so hilarious. This time it's because I'm too thin (I'm not) and too fair/pale. He seems to think I wake up sooooo friggin' late each day that I completely miss the hours when the sun is still shining outside. He is sort of right but I am not gonna let him know that now, am I? Deny deny deny!


Sab said...

but but but...I have been guilty of some of the quizes too

AHHHH!!! I am not some loser! Take it back! Take it back!! hahaha

Btw, I am with ya, deny deny deny!

Jeffrey said...

No of course, you my dear, ARE NOT A LOSER!
Your quizzes n answers are at least, entertaining.
Some people right, you feel like they're a total waste of bandwith especially those sai mui mui zai saying who they should marry and then giving some stupid inane mindless comment and then their friends all also giving stupid, mindless comments. GRRR!