Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Never have I been soooo humiliated by a single group presentation.
Consider it my amazing luck to be grouped with a person who is able to turn a MORAL presentation on the pros and cons of premarital sex into a very-perverted-bordering-on-sexual-harassment personal ad for himself.
He has this amazing talent for spewing out gems like;

"If you wanna know more about premarital sex, call 0-1-included-his-number-here-ew"
"Sex is good exercise, it's healthy for the body. Like me, I used to be heavy but now I'm like 75 kilos."
"Durex is very, very good."

OMG. The things he said are like YUCK. I didn't even pay attention to most of what he said after the first two minutes cuz I had this intense desire to go home and bathe in Dettol.
And I was doing "Pros" with him. To be in the same category ahh!!!
The lecturer called us bold. If I were her, I would have slapped him. Listening to him speak is like getting raped.

1 comment:

Seline said...

Yes indeed. I felt so embarrassed. And i seriously like the way you said, "i'll make it simple and try not to sound like a pervert!" way to go!!!!