Thursday, July 8, 2010

Being a Big Bad Bitch

Recently I realized that I bitch Soooo. Fucking. Much.

About people especially. Old friends, new friends, best friends, friends that used to be more than friends, friends who want to be more than friends, fake friends, frenemies, the list goes on.

When I wanted to write this, I hoped I would be able to say, I'm gonna stop now, from now on I'm not gonna be such a whine and bitch about people anymore. Errr I don't think that's gonna happen anytime soon. I know, bitching is soooo mean and soooo childish, but it's also fun so hahaha sue me.

Today we had our research class. First of all, I'm not in a very good position to question/criticize/laugh/whatever because I am very lazy and therefore I missed like, 35 percent of the classes and therefore I am not a very good student with a very good topic.

But some of the students, reaaaallly, when you see their topics, I think you'd go all WHUTTT?! too. Mine is not the most creative or inventive or original or the smartest topic around but I try to keep it in the realm of Mass Communication seeing as we are indeed taking the subject MASS COMMUNICATION RESEARCH.

The first one that made me go What the Huh? was this research that wants to study the factors influencing the purchase of mobile phones. Seriously? Do you even need to carry out a whole, entire study to find out why people buy the phones they buy? I for one (superficiality alert!), buy phones for design. Geeks go for specs. Label whores and loyalists go for brands. Some sebab ikut trend, some sebab friends and family influence. I would have thought this one topic is more suitable to those 350-word essays, probably for a subject like EST or something. A whole research with a questionnaire, objectives, hypotheses and all the works? Hm.

Then, there was this one who wanted to study the factors why students work part time. OMG. Really? Why students work part time? Whyyyy??? Let me tell you now, right away, why students work part time. There's only one reason and that is Cash, Moolah, Money, Dough, Ka-ching! That is all. Why else would students work part time?

OK lah, maybe that is just my opinion alone. Maybe there really are students who work part time because they want to gain experience or learn new things, or have too much time on their hands, or really, really want to help out at that particular organization or for some other reasons that escape my shallow, money-obsessed dirty mind. I am sure there are many, many of those students around, right? Right???

It's just that $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ was the first thing that came into my mind and stayed there, distracting me for the entire presentation.

Also, her title said factors that lead to students working part time, but after that she said she wanted to find out things like whether working part time affects students' performance, like what are their grades like, do they get too tired after work and miss classes, things like that. I immediately thought of The Perfect Candidate to be one of the subjects of this study. HAHAHA!

Ooooopsies, did I just make a dig at someone else, again? Ah shit, I gotta stop this very bad habit of mine ;)


cyntia said...

hahaha! u're such a BAD BAD girl jeff!

Jeffrey said...

You know what they say, once you kill a cow, you gotta make the burger ;)

[can't believe I'm STILL quoting tht video hahaha]

Rolling Funbling Thug said...

Lols good one. :)

Jeffrey said...

Haha thank you ;)