Eurgh early in the morning dah irritated by the nasi lemak auntie. She put my order on hold, even though I was first, and served those who came after me because I "tengah sembang telefon" and they only wanted the biasa kind, one packet while I wanted three nasi lemak sotong's.
Firstly, you kept me waiting to layan three people, that's already three packets kay. Why can't you just do MY three packets first then? I was there first anyways. Dunno what kinda stupid logic people have nowadays.
Then she keeps saying that I won't mind because I'm talking on the phone. Like what the. I've already ordered okay. What has my being on the phone got to do with anything? It's not like I am the one packing the bloody nasi lemak. I have to stand there and do bloody nothing only you will consider serving me is it?
OMG *deep breath* not good for my heart. I held my tongue because I don't wanna let loose and ruin someone's morning, and also because the nasi lemak is good - luckily, kalau tak, habis - and I will be going back repeatedly.
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