Saturday, February 21, 2009


Finally, after a whole exhausting week filled with lots of assignments, late nights, early mornings, no afternoon naps and bitches who deserves slaps, the weekend is here! I haven't been able to really, really rest for the entire week and I am so happy I got to sleep for 13 hours straight last night, interrupted only by one phone call and a bad dream. Welcome back, crazy sleeping patterns!

I only need to resit my PMR English paper tomorrow morning and then I'm off to my happy day in the park la la la! I feel like such a happy housewife this evening when I went to get all the picnic thingies. Even though a DIY picnic is meant to be cheaper than a meal out, I lack even the most basic kitchen essentials so in the end buying all the thingies turn out to be even more expensive har har. It's okay though, asalkan bahagia, who cares right? ;p


taufiq iskandar said...

J, i can't believe that you had to spend a lot for the sandwiches. They were great though and i enjoyed them so much. Thanks J!

Jeffrey said...

Don't worry I did not spend a lot AT ALL. I'm soooooo happy you liked them. I love yr sushi too hehe :)