Tuesday, September 16, 2008

3rd Week of Classes

Finally, I'm getting the gist of the subjects and what we're supposed to learn. I was beginning to think that
a) I've lost all study skills and became stupid in the four months that I lazed around just being fab OR
b) Degree courses are that much harder
Glad to know that while both are in some ways true, it's not stopping me from the great mission of learning. (Buek) All the babble that sounded like crap in the beginning is starting to make some sort of sense after much repetition by the lecturers.

And can ya asses believe it, I'm starting with the whole student-life thingy again. I'm back to sleeping at semi-normal times instead of sleeping at day break or other weird times and... OMG I actually took out a textbook and revised yesterday. OK, so there was a quiz today but still, going through a textbook seemed like something I haven't done in ages. I guess I'm that gaybai at the beginning of every semester.... Or is it just the beginning of the academic year? Or the beginning of the entire course?? Good results (and revision) seem to be a thing of the long gone past hahahaha :P

I also started talking to people that are not named Seline (she must be glad). I say I'm shy and a plain old lazy arse and she says I'm super lan si (which terrifies people). She keeps repeating the old story that if in the old days, she hasn't asked me out for that very first karaoke session, I'd still be the stupid quiet boy I was (or seemed to be heh heh heh)

Today we were very lebih. At first we wanted to go to our new fave hangout Fun OK (which means Go Back Home in Cantonese. I never knew! How creative! LOL) but we passed by this spensive looking place and S felt like eating dim sum. After making sure it's not really that spensive, we went in and I was like, hey we never did this (had dim sum during break times) back in TARC. Lol :) I'm sorry, that was pointless. But I was just saying...

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