Friday, June 20, 2008

Melawat Kawan-kawan Ku

Couple days ago, Mama came back. So we did what we usually do when we meet up in KT, which is update each other on our love/sex lives, go through The Catalogue and after yamcha sessions all over town, we got into the car and did our absolutest favoritest thing to do at night in KT; kacau-ing the prostitutes at Jln Tok Lam (??) - I'm not too sure. Like, how cool is this? Sluts making fun of other sluts! Woo~
We've been doing it since forever and the only thing different this time is that Petiunia Seng was with us and we actually talked to one of them. Usually, we'd just sit in the car and whistle them over and when one of 'em would come near, we'd speeeed away real fast and laugh ourselves stupid. This time though, we decided that we want to talk to them. But we don't wanna do the boring thing of asking about prices and that kinda shit, cuz it's like, so predictable and so unfun, right? So the conversation goes along the lines of something like this...

Round 1:
Mama: (Rolls down car window and all of us wave) Hi :D

Tranny: (Looks away and ignores us)

Mama: Hi!!!~~

Tranny: (Continues ignoring, what a bitch)

OMG that was so stupid. We should totally say something else. Let's go nearer and ask something she definitely gotta answer.
So I got in the driver's seat -Petiunia Seng takut mati enjin tiba2 - and then we made another round while trying to figure out what to say. We were almost in front of her again but still we haven't came up with anything. Cue genius Mama.

Round 2
Mama: Kak, boleh tumpang tanya? McDonald's paling dekat kat mana?

Tranny: Huh?

Mama: McDonald's yang paling dekat. Kat mana?

Here comes the bestest part.
Tranny: (rubbing her pussy veeerry sloowly, like masturbating) Dekat sini. McDonald's dekat sini. Sini.

Mama: (keeping straight face) Tak, kita nak cari McDonald's yang boleh makan.

Tranny: (still rubbing her crotch) Ya. Dekat sini McDonald's.

Mama: Um, kalau macam tu, you ada berapa set? Berapa set McDonald's?

Tranny: (her hand is like glued to her pussy) Semua dekat sini.

OMG too funny! We were like splitting our sides laughing so we sped off again trying to compose ourselves. Mama wanted to video her so we made another round.

Round 3:

Mama: So kak, McD's tadi tu, macam mana nak buat order?

Tranny: Apa?

Mama: Macam mana nak buat pesanan untuk McDonald's awak?

Tranny: (walks real close to car and rubs her vag again) McDonald's dalam burit* saya. Dalam burit saya. Di sini. Dalam burit saya. (Goes over and over about the McD's in her pussy then gets fed up and walk away)

LOL. It was so funny we almost died. Now I can never ever again hear the words McDonald's without thinking filthy things and rubbing my crotch.

*Burit = for those who don't know, it's Terengganu slang for vagina. And apparently, some transsexuals can store Big Macs in theirs, along with other things I suppose.


cyntia said...

Bloody Hell
Though u're the Old floozy QUEEN kat KL.But pls lah dun kacau junior-junior u kat KT.

Jeffrey said...

I tgh test dia org. Tgk macam mana performance mrk. Kalau tak baik i kena ajar la kan? But thankfully, performance yg ni excellent sekali :D hahahha