Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Panic Attack

For the past couple weeks, the most taxing things I've done are like tutoring 15 noisy Year 5 kids, washing the car and waiting in line at a bank to set up a new account. Seriously, very low stress levels. But come 12 hours from now, it's gonna be full-on busy busy busy. My mind is like gonna explode whenever I start listing down the things I gotta do.

It all starts tomorrow at 6 (yes a.m, OMG I'm waking up at six am! Hello?) cuz I need to catch a flight. Once the plane lands, I don't think I even have time to like, fart. I gotta start scouring for cardboard boxes and then, I have like, 10 hours or so to springclean my entire life (which is my room) and then sort and pack every tiny little crap that I have accumulated over the past TWO years into neat little ready-to-move packages and boxes. Then I gotta call the moving guy and get coooordinated. UGH I hate moving and yet I've done it no less than 3, 4 times in the past 2 years. And this one is MAJOR cuz it's like a real, serious kinda move. Like, with a moving van and all and to a different zipcode. And one trip is deffo not enough, I've got like 60 pillows and 500 pigs. Thank the gods the folks are coming this weekend in their big-ass SUV to help out.

At night, I gotta run halfway across KL and back just to get the keys from my new housemates so that come morning the next day, I can haul all my junk halfway accross KL again. I mean, the guy wants me to get the keys at like such a weird friggin time. Like, my day is not effed up enough already? Once the shit is all set up in the room (which I think is gonna cost a lot of time and a hell load of sweat) I gotta go over to my new coll and pay the fees.

If like 2 days of packing and moving isn't tiring enough, the next day I've got orientation early in the morning. It's like, the beginning of my (hopefully) sweet new life, but seriously, first day of school creeps me out. Badly.

I need to like, say a prayer and ask god to get me through the next 3 days without major drama. My poor soul can't handle drama right now.

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