Monday, November 17, 2008


Whoops neglected blog. But what to do, I do not have the privilege of blogging about Kenji's birthday, or Seline's birhtday or Sheryl's farewell or whatever anything that seemed really fun. LOL I sound really really bitter but that's because I've missed out on so many funtivities it feels like I've been eliminated from OHF. Sobs. Hello please tell me that you love me thank you mwah.

Anyways, I guess I'm unique like that because while everyone else is busy doing their work / study thing, I found new camwhore material. I have been deprived of serious self obsession for far too long. Me and my sis were melepaking at THE playground one night and saw this super net thing and I knew immediately I must use it once as a camwhorterial. Anyways on a totally different topic, while we were at the playground, several rempits whistled at me sis. Oh gosh I guess she's a woman now! How fast they all grow up! LOL

Back to camwhoring, I made my sis promise to be my photographer so we came back again another day, really really early. Like 7 something. Cuz we wanted to take some sunrise shots and also, playgrounds get crowded at every other time of the day. Heheh. We took a huge load of photos but because there were too many, posting 'em all would make me seem like a SUPER SELF OBSESSED TAK SEDAR DIRI SLUT so I just tampal-tampal them together. I was supposed to post them earlier today but thanks to a horrible incident, it was postponed till now. Ta Dah!

OMG I gotta love my sister for this. She stood there for god knows how long while I hang myself on the nets and tell her where to stand and how to shoot. That's how good younger sisters should behave. LOL. Owe you a meal at McD's kay? xoxo.

I also wish I had brought fiercer clothes back to KT and also... I wish my sexy bitches SINtia and Howyee were here! We could all hang on the nets together and like, drape leopard print cloth all over it or something and be fierce to the max. LOL. But of course, it's a very public playground.

After we had enough we wanted to go home and have breakfast but halfway we saw this cuuuute little bridge that was very hidden. It starts from nowhere and leads to nowhere but I thought that maybe we could get a couple more photos from a place like that so off we went. Hehehhe.
The bridge was just okay but we found something even more inneresting. Construction pillars that sorta kinda look like some ancient ruins. Camwhore time woohoo!

And because I have far toooo muuuuchhhh free time on my hands here in KT, I played around with my photos and came up with these! Hehe I have absolutely zero knowledge in Photoshop crap so I used the most basic-est, primitive methods and the results are very amateurish. But I think they're kinda cute for a beginner, RIGHT?

HAR HAR HAR I just lurrrve myself. Too bad there's someone I very much DO NOT love at this moment ugh.


eLLie~bAo said...

you are really FREE at KT!!!
Anyway, buy something back for me from HK k?!?!
Enjoy...mama love you!! Muackss

Jeffrey said...

Thank you! I lap u too :D
I'll see if there are any SUPER FAKE LV bags over there kay?

cyntia said...

Oh~ Poor lil'J kena tangkap to be ur photographer. Btw~ not bad!!! But u think it's just worth for McD?! Joceline, u deserve more! hahaha~

*Gimme some photoshop lesson when u're back!

Jeffrey said...

Hahahah tankiew!
McD's is the BEST kay?
And it's not photoshop, its super something super simple. Photoshop can ask fairy teach u LOL