Friday, November 28, 2008

Welcome me back bitches

Weee heeyy back in KL again! Hello blog, hello Internet (I know I was on vacation but I have felt sooo disconnected), hello ENGLISH (oh lord how I missed the English language), hello unrude people (just stupid) and hello relatively inexpensive food!

Although I'm currently sleep deprived with super chapped lips and dry skin it's all sooo worth it and then some cuz the trip was just AWESOME :D

A HK blog post would be super long, sorta like the KT one which took ages so malas lah I wanna write anything lengthy at such an early hour.

I'm currently sitting at McD's and have been sipping Coke for hours and will be doing so until the earliest bus to Sentral is here. OMFG can you say bloated? At least I'm buying something and even though I've refilled for 651 times it's better than just sitting for free right? Photo-editing would definitely make time pass much faster but none of the photos have been transferred yet and there is soooo many you won't believe it. Satu ribu hopefully? Heh heh heh.

1 comment:

cyntia said...

the bitch are back!