Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Random Ranting

Obama won! Isn't that like the coolest thing ever? I know it's totally none of our business; at least politically. In a symbolic sense it'd be all about change and hopes and daring to dream and believing in fairytales and talking to magical creatures and all that.

I do not know what's gotten into me but lately I've been sorta-kinda-semi interested in things political and that's so weird cuz it's so not me. Is this what people call being un-shallow-ish and caring for things other than what leggings Lindsay is wearing on her date with Sam? OK, I haven't been following the candidates' every single debate and stuff and the thing that sticks out in my mind the most is Tina Fey doing Palin but still, I know more than I thought I would, so yay me? LOL.

I'm not all about foreign politics kay, I'm very in touch with all the endless drama known as Malaysian politics too. In fact, I find childish politicians hurling accusations and insults at each other and talking cock to the press highly amusing.

OMG I used to think politics were the domain of cabbies just like I used to think that mahjong were for loud aunties with bad dye jobs. I've changed my mind about MJ (I LOVE it now!) so yeah, I also no longer think that only taxi drivers go all political-ish :P

Speaking of cabbies, I met one last night who gave me hope that no, not all taxi drivers in KL are rude, conniving, money-grabbing speed freaks. I wanted to take a cab to the LRT station and then take the LRT to the bus station but upon seeing me with bags and all, the driver asked me where I was going so I told him I was taking the bus back to KT and he asked which station, I said PWTC and then he said he could send me there for 6 bucks. I was like, WHAT? 6 BUCKS? UR NOT SHITTING ME? Can ya believe it, the guy only charged me 6 bucks on a 13 dollar trip. Said he was heading into KL anyways to meet some friends and stuff. That was hands down the nicest cabbie I've ever met!

So I reached the station waaay earlier than planned. At first I wanted to go kill some time by getting a milkshake and fries at McD's but then, I just started my new Save Cash, Lose Weight plan so the bus station cafeteria and its much cheaper and less fattening Milo Ais would do. LOL. Also as part of the Lose Weight part of the plan, I went for a sunrise run this morning. Fuyooh semangat, tidur pun belum dah lari 45 minutes! Hahahah my legs are so friggin stiff now but it's okay cuz super flat tummy here I come! LOL

Anyways I'm pissed now cuz it's not even 24 hours since I got back and I already have one argument under my belt. I admit I'm partly at fault but it's amazing how some people never see anything from a perspective other than their own, only believing what they've already set their mind to believing and getting all pissy and rude on something I don't think they're very informed about at all. So hard to just bite my tongue but if I didn't it will definitely set off an epic screaming match. UGH

Thank the gods I had a super fun last weekend in KL before I came back here.

OBLQ + GreenBox + RedBox + My Sexy Bitches + Sean Paul + D = Very Happy Jeffrey! :D

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