Thursday, April 22, 2010

Whiny Bitch

Now that I'm back in KT, I have the car and I have the re$$ource$$ (okay, my parents have, technically BUT WHATEVER). What I don't have are The Friends OR the places where I can make new friends. SIGH. Where are the bars? Where is the MP, the Frangi, the Maison? Why must life always be so win-some-lose-some?

And why, WHHYY must the MSSN (or whatever it's called) take my beloved Joceline away from me??? I know it sounds so tragic like she's dead (CHOI!) but it's really very sad. Who am I going to disturb and bully? Who am I going to chauffeur around? Who is going to hack my Twitter account? Who am I going to kidnap in the middle of the night to McD's? Who is going to teman me to the beach and compare how tan we are? Who who who???
***OMG I sound sooo fucking needy nowadays!

And you know what, I was eating at a warung just now and this really stupid thing happened. I saw they had Penang Char Koay Teow so I was like, Oooooh! cuz dah lama tak makan, kan. Then I ordered but like, 20 minutes after we finished our satay and drinks (finished kay, not food just reached or what) the guy strolls over and was like, Hey you guys order char koay teow kan? You nak kering ke basah? WHAT THE HUH? I was, Kita nak PENANG char koay teow. Ya lah, kering ke basah? Erm tak payah lah, cancel order je thanks. Seriously WTF do you even know what Penang Char Koay Teow looks like? Superbly bengong. Don't act clever if don't know okay. Very buat malu. It's like you're at McD's ordering a Filet-o-Fish and they asked you if you want beef or chicken with that. Just like they have different kinds of burgers, there are different kinds of koay teows. If you only know how to make koay teow basah (hehe!) then just stick with that and don't pandai-pandai advertise that you have char koay teow.

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