Saturday, December 13, 2008

Rant Like There's No Tomorrow

I've been back in KT for a couple days now and no one has ajak-ed me out yet. Why ah??? This is so sad. And sadder still is the fact that if someone did ask, I prolly can't go out cuz I gotta help out with all these TKD tournament thingies.

I hate it when my dad organizes TKD tournaments and I gotta help out; not because I'm a lazy bitch but because it is all I can do, running around on the sidelines instead of competing and winning gold medals and glorifying the family name or whatever those children of other instructors do. I hate it when nosy people ask, eh you not competing ah? And I answer I'm not interested in taekwondo and they're like, your father teach taekwondo worrr, organize this some more. Inside I'd be like, fuck off before I chop off your face. Of course, this has lessened in recent years cause it's been years and nothing has changed and now everyone already knows I'm the inadequate son. I can LOL all I want but this is fact kay?

ANYWAYS.... I've finally gotten all the HK pictures from Jac's cam and my Dad's. 1100 plus plus ya allah. Truly a camwhoring family. I've chosen like 50 to post and now all that's left to do is edit and resize, which is going to take forever. I don't even know how I'm going to post all the pictures. Maybe I should get a flickr account? Which has a very high probability of falling into the heap of web applications I have but don't use including Twitter, Myspace, Google Talk, Zoho and lots of other things I've forgotten.

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